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  • 57%
    Lantern Glass + Bamboo

    Latern, Klaas + Bambus

    35.00 € 15.00


    Latern, Klaas + Bambus

    € 35.00 € 15.00

    Bambusest latern on suve- ja sügisõhtute hubane kaaslane. Väliskihi sees on klaasist anum, kuhu on väga turvaline küünalt paigutada. Bambusavadest kumav küünlavalgus loob sumeda valguse terrassile või tuppa!

    Mõõdud Ø 18 x H 30 cm
    Matrejal: naturaalne bambus, klaas

    Naturaalne ja looduslik bambus on äärmiselt vastupidav materjal. Mis teeb bambuse vastupidavaks? Bambuse eriline ehitus ja vastupidavad kiud. Bambus on kõige kiiremini kasvav taim maailmas. Mitte ükski teine elav asi ei kasva nii kiiresti, rekordiks on erinevatel andmetel mõõdetud 9–120 cm ööpäevas. 

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  • 20%
    The Nusa Penida Lantern - H 43 cm

    The Nusa Penida Lantern - H 43 cm

    € 199.00 € 159.20

    Shine a cosy light, wherever you want! The Nusa Penida lantern is available in two sizes and they exude timeless charm while offering exceptional weather resistance - perfect for your outdoor space. Illuminate your outdoor gatherings with the warm, inviting glow of these lanterns, or bring them indoors to add a touch of natural beauty to your decor. With their sustainable materials and versatile design, these reclaimed teak wooden lanterns are a must-have for any space, providing an eco-friendly lighting solution that stands the test of time.

    W: 28cm, H: 28cm, L: 43cm
    Tutvu tootega lähemalt
  • 20%
    The Nusa Penida Lantern - H 60 cm

    The Nusa Penida Lantern - H 60 cm

    € 249.00 € 199.20

    Shine a cosy light, wherever you want! The Nusa Penida lantern is available in two sizes and they exude timeless charm while offering exceptional weather resistance - perfect for your outdoor space. Illuminate your outdoor gatherings with the warm, inviting glow of these lanterns, or bring them indoors to add a touch of natural beauty to your decor. With their sustainable materials and versatile design, these reclaimed teak wooden lanterns are a must-have for any space, providing an eco-friendly lighting solution that stands the test of time.

    W: 28cm, H: 28cm, L: 60cm
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